(国防科学技术大学计算机学院,长沙 410000)
关键词:Openflow FloodLight 控制器
中图分类号:□□□□□ 文献标识码:A 文章编号:
Research realization of FloodLight controller
based on Openflow
Li Jindu, Shi Xiangquan
(College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha 410073, China. Li Jindu, ljd710@163.com)
Abstract:OpenFlow provides a novel separation of control and forwarding architecture. It achieve the separation of data forwarding and routing control, by the flow table of OpenFlow switch responsible forwarding and the external OpenFlow controller provides control and management of the network. The controller can control the flow table of OpenFlow switche by Pretyped interface operations. API-based controller provides, users can develop web applications for network functions and behavior customization, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling data forwarding to achieve innovation network. On the basis of the OpenFlow protocol analysis, open source FloodLight controller functions and implementation techniques are analyzed.
Key words:Openflow FloodLight Controller
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