(信息科学与技术国家实验室,清华大学 北京100084)
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Fountain Code Based Reliable Distributed HF Radio System
YANG Xiao-xue1, Ji Zhe, Wang You-zheng 1
(1 Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology (TNList), Tsinghua University,
Beijing 100084, China. Correspondence Address: Yang Xiao-xue, yang-xx12@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn)
Abstract:High Frequency(HF)communication channel suffers unstable ionoshpere conditions. A fountain code based HF radio system is presented to enhance the reliability of ultra-range HF radio system. Instead of upgrading hardware—employment of multi-antenna for example, the system achieves reception diversity by fountain code software. Therefore it could provide a practical solution for reliable ultra-range transmission. The simulations and optimizations verified that with a small number of radio stations’ joint effort, the brand new system guaranteed successful HF communications.
Key words:HF Radio; fountain codes; distributed network agency
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纪 哲(1989-),女,博士研究生,研究方向为空间网络和资源优化。