国防科学技术大学计算机学院网络工程系 长沙 410073
[摘 要]:目前大部分高校都开设了网络安全课程,对于网络安全教学来说,由于其本身所具有的特殊性和破坏性,开展实验教学的网络渗透测试技术内容非常有限 ,实践是检验理论正确与否的必要途径。本文提出了一个利用渗透测试工具来搭建的渗透测试实验平台,设计了渗透测试环境和流程,解决了现实信息安全教学过程中出现的实际困难,使得学生能够更好地学习和掌握相关技术。
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:
The development and application of penetration testing experimental platform
Zhao Wenzhe
Department of computer science network engineering, National University of Defense
Technology,410073,Changsha, P.R.China
Abstract: Network security is a necessary curriculum in most universities .For the network security teaching , it is limited to learn network penetration test technology by experimental study because of the particularity and damage of itself. But The practice is a necessary way to test the theory is correct or not. The experimental platform of penetration test, which built by penetration testing tools, was presented in this paper. Penetration test environment and process also were designed. Therefore the real difficulties in the network security teaching were solved and it is better for college student to learn and master the relevant technoloyies.
Key Words: Metasploit, Penetration testing, Tast platform
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