摘 要:以1553B总线协议为基础,分别介绍了预测1553B总线负载率的快捷方法和总线效率的计算方法,通过这种预测方法计算得到的总线负载率准确性较高。然后通过总线效率的计算结果验证了1553B总线协议的高效性。最后,由总线负载率和总线效率的计算公式我们推导了两者之间的关系,表明了两者的无关性。在1553B总线系统设计之初便可以通过此预测方法对系统的总线负载率进行预测,保证了1553B总线系统设计的可行性和可靠性。
Predicting Method of 1553B BUS Load Rate and Efficiency Calculating
ZHANG Yang, XU Hong-wei, LI Yu-gang, WU Chao
( NO.203 Research Institute of China Ordnance Industries, Xi’an 710065, China )
Abstract: Based on 1553B bus protocol, introducing a quick way of the 1553B bus load rate predicted and bus efficiency calculation method, this prediction method by the bus load rate obtains high accuracy. Then through the bus efficiency calculation results verify the 1553B bus protocol efficiency. Finally, through the efficiency of the bus and the bus load rate formulas derive relationship between the two, indicating that between independence. By 1553B bus load rate prediction method, in the initial design of 1553B bus system can predict the system bus load rate, promising the reliability and predictability of the system design.
Keywords: 1553B bus;bus load rate; bus efficiency
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